Thursday, September 3, 2009

it's not just a diet; it's a lifestyle!

Alright, so I have finally decided to go vegan. I've never been a vegetarian and I'm not much fond of salads, but as of right now, I'm going vegan. I've been debating on and off about it for a while, but felt that I would never be able to do it. I felt this way, becasue I tried once as a teen to not eat meat and my parents forced me to. So, unfortunately, that didn't go through. I also feel as if I can't do it because I'll be the only one in my family to try this. that can makes things difficult, because I'll still have to handle meat and other such products. Some of you may be syaing, "just make them go vegan as well", but i can't do that. My husband would never allow it, and if I try it on my babe, people are crazy enough to call child services on me for neglect and abuse. Crazy, right?
So, I'm going solo. I've found a lot of good research and a lot of scientific evidence to prove that it is healthier. There are drawbacks, but they can be easily fixed. For example, in food, its hard to find B12 in fruits or veggies. But, you can just take a supplement, and that's OK. Also, Vitamin D isn't found in any fruits or veggies, but you can just sit outside, soak in the sun for about 10-15 3 times a week, and you're good to go.
Since, I'm considering to be a vegan, this doesn't only mean holding back on animal-based food products. This also means, animal-based products, PERIOD! Meaning, nothing made of leather, or fur, or anything that would have animal's anything in creams, shampoos, cosmetics.
For met o change my lifestyle it's going to take some work and tears, but I'm determined to do it. I want to live a healthier life for my daughter. And I want to be a good example in all aspects of life.
Hopefully, I'll be able to do it. the problem is my record for sticking to things. I never seem to. The only things I've done for years is write ion my journal and doing the sign of the cross on myself before going to bed. So, hopefully, becoming a vegan will be added to that list. Wish me luck!

1 comment:

E.A. said...

Thank you so much, your comment has made my day! I love Ella too, when I hear her sing she has this grace that puts her above everything, yet she's still so warm and approachable. Good luck on your Vegan adventure!