Saturday, September 12, 2009

life a sa vegan

I've been trying to become a began for 9 days now. I have had meat or chicken or seafood AT ALL. I've had milk and egg products, but not milk and egg. I can refrain from drinking my chocolate milk in the mornings, but i cant seem to stop eating ice cream or KITKAT! i just can't let go of that damn kitkat. It's just so deliciously scrumptious with the milk chocolate and the yummy wafers lined up on top of another inside (licking lips and closing eyes).
I was wondering, how do you eat a kitkat? The way I eat one is I seperate it from the group and begin to eat only the milk chocolate edges. When I'm done with that I eat the naked wafers. I can eat 3 king size kitkats, probably more if my husband would let me buy that many. =s. they's sooo good. I think this will be the little demon that will prevent me from becoming a complete vegan. Is it so wrong of me if I just indulge myself in this one animal product I can't seem to shake?


katy said...

Mmmm... kitkat! Now I'm hungry. :) I separate each "stick" and eat them one at a time, nibbling from end to end.

I think I may have to go visit the vending machine now!

KT said...

It is my biggest flaw (except for biting and mutilating my nails). If I were a superhero, KitKat would definitely be my kryptonite.
sorry, that I instilled the craving in you. Hopefully you won't turn into an addict like me.