Thursday, January 21, 2010

day 2 Om shanti shanti shanti AND why?

I wake up early and I start to do yoga. I'm doing yoga before meditation because it helps relax your body and strengthen your muscles. It's very hard to sit still if your body isn't built for it. So, everyday I add a new pose and TRY to sit for a few minutes longer.
Definitely easier said than done. The first day was fantastic, because S was asleep, the hubby wasn't home and it was EXTREMELY quiet in the house. It was VERY easy for me to lose myself in the space/time continuum. Yeah, today was not to easy. I tried doing it in the morning and at night and both times failed. I managed to get through the yoga part, but the praying part? Impossible when your 2-year-old is saying, "Mama, ya? Mama, AQUIIIIII!!!" (English translation: "Mama, done? Mama, HEREEEEEEEE!!!!"). Yeah, so you can see how I definitely won't be able to hear God with such a high-pitched of my little S. It didn't work at night, because she never fell asleep. It was very annoying trying to medidate when you here her laughing and copying everything the cartoons are saying.
I will continue but it definitely won't be easy.

I was watching abc last night (I never do) and I saw a commercial for private practice. It was a preview for the episode about a daughter telling her parents she's pragnant and mother isn't accepting her....well, the narrator sais something along these lines, "Every parents' worst nightmare"....WHY? Why is it a parents worst nightmare if they bring a child into this world? Yes, I understand that most parents are just worried that their child won't have a "normal" life anymore, but why is a worst nightmare? Wouldn't your child being a drug addict worse? or your child committing suicide? or your child having suicidal thoughts? or what about an eating disorder? or maybe your child is being picked on at school? Why does having a baby before 22 years-old so traumatic for parents? This isn't the first time I've seen this theme in shows or books.
I mean take Juno. The scene in which Juno tells them she's pregnant. After she leaves the parents look at each other and say how they thought she was going to confess doing drugs. They made it sound like it would've been better. All I ask is Why?? to you moms out there. Because, yeah, I'm a mom, but my daughter is only 2 and of course you never know something until you experience it or can understand it better. So, please help me understand why parents would prefer their children being drug-addicts then getting pregnant and bringing a beautiful baby into this world. I mean isn't more natural for us to get pregnant than to do drugs?


Anonymous said...

I agree with you, life is precious no matter the circumstances. I guess that is the drama of the show though...we can't plan life...we might think we can until something happens and we learn to adjust.

KT said...

Thank you! =D I still don't get why it's so bad...but i guess maybe i'll understand once my little is older...

kathryn said...

OHMYGOD. It's like you were sitting next to me when this commercial came on! I SWEAR...I said the same exact thing!

"Parent's worst nightmare? Seriously? You don't think that maybe...I don't know, your child DYING might be just a tad worse??"

It's all about ratings, sweetie. It's why I spend so little time watching tv and when I do, I roll my eyes a LOT.

KT said...

Kathryn: I still want to know why it's such a abd thing. UGH, i guess it's one of those mysteries the world may never know, like how many licks it takes to get to the center of a tootsie roll pop.
I don't watch much tv either, except for a handful of shows, but yesterday was a pretty bum day, so yeah...i caved to watch those little ppl in the box. =P
BTW, i was sitting next you, we were having mango margaritas, remember?