Tuesday, January 5, 2010

i'm bAAAAAAck

I really wanted to be my first blog back to be all about the pictures and other stories that i didn't write while in Nicaragua. But I just can't help it; i'm bursting at the seams if i don't share stuff with you guys. Also, there's 5G worth of photos from just the last 14 days. So, i'm trying my hardest to go through all of them, organize them, and choose which ones to post. Of course i didn't take THAT many photos. Those 5G is made up of 6 cameras. Guess who had the most pictures? ME! of course! The whole time I was thinking of you guys and deciding which pictures you all would appreciate.
Ok, so I came the 2nd...boo and yay! What's really unfair right not is that my dad wrote out my whole "first blog back" and i can't use it. I mean what child wants to prove their parent right.... (yes, that's a stab to you Papa).
My last/first day of college started yesterday (the 4th). It was fun, but a little overwhelming. Somehow, so far, this semester is going to be one of my hardest semesters yet. i'm taking a total of 6 classes. 1 online (couldn't shake off my online class. i like being online too much), 2 art classes (so time consuming), a retake class (what a waste), and lastly, my experimental social psychology senior lab (SCARY). I normally have nightmares of supernatural things, but for the next 4 months i think i will have nightmares of this class and ALL the assignments and quizzes that are due EVERY week. Oh, not only am i taking all tese classes but i;m also volunteering at a lab for 10 hours.
Enough talk about my black and lifeless semester, lets talk about....idk. I'm in my senior lab and my creative bug is sleeping because my prof's voice is so amazing beautiful. I'm almost falling alseep. It's super soft, and light and not too monotonous. I just (YAWN) wish i could put my head down and..... ZZzzzzZZZzzzz.

well, good night. i think..or good day. class is over now. What a nice nap.


Unknown said...

YAAAAAY welcome back! I'm looking forward to seeing your pictures! :o) I'm glad you had a fun trip. I bet you're happy to be back and hangin' with Macchi! :op

KT said...

PENNY! You have no idea. i begged the hubby to pick him the moment we landed. and of course he obliged. i missed him a lot. more than i though i would. and i'm super glad to be back. back to being in charge and being able to DRIVE. jajaj,a no one lets me drive over there. =P

Spot said...

Welcome back! I can't wait to see your pictures!! Good luck with this semester. Sounds like you are going to be stressed. But at the end...you graduate! Yay!


Unknown said...

Welcome Back, glad you made it home safe and sound. Can't wait to see your photos.

Unknown said...

haha... of course he obliged. Your hubby sounds like a sweetie... and a smart man. ;o)

Being able to drive is a nice freedom, isn't it? I know when I get back from vacation I'm always happy to get reacquainted with my car.

Have a great day!

kathryn said...

WELCOME HOME, SWEETIE!!! You sound exhausted, but happy. I'm glad you've all arrived home safely and it sounds like you're already getting back to the 'ole daily grind.
My....that didn't take long, now did it???

KT said...

Spot: thank you. i'm going to try my hardest to get pictures in by sunday. I can't wait to graduate...but i;m going straight into grad school so it's almost like no difference.

WVW: thank you. =)

Penny: woo hoo two comments from you in 1 post. NICE!! i;m just kidding. yes, he is a smart man...well, he at least knows what's good for him. =P

Kathryn: THANK YOU! i am tired, and i am happy. nice observation! I'm super busy this semester, but i'm super excited too. what with the two art classes.

Kris said...

Hi, u have a very cool blog! I am inspired.

I have just started out with my blog, where I share my new life in Sweden with my friends back home (Im from Norway). I would be super happy if u had a look at it :)

Things I Do When U look away