Sunday, January 24, 2010

day 4 (yes, i skipped day 3; it was entirely uneventful)

Day 4 (yesterday) was pretty cool. I tried doing inversion yoga, which is the one you stand on your hand. Yeah, i can't do any of that. But i know I will at some point. Anyways, during meditation/prayer I felt like Bella Swan from Twilight. Before you stop reading give me a chance. In case you haven't read all 4 books (SPOILER ALERT) Bella turns into a vampire in the 4th one. With her new immortal status, she ends up gaining a magical power as well. She has a shield that protects her know, I don't know how to categorize what she can shield herself from, but supposedly she can protect her mind. Anyways, once she discovers this another vampire tries to teach her to expand her shield to others. She described it as trying to stretch a rubber-band as far as it can go. Back to me meditation/prayer experience that's what I was trying to do. I sat with my legs bent under me, back straight, palms open, eyes closed, and concentrating on my breathing though my nose. What I try to accomplish is that feeling where you feel like if you're a little ant, but at the same time a giant? Well, I manage to do that, but my rubber-band only reaches as far as my room. Not sure if any of that made sense, but I thought it was cool experience, and when I feel like, to me it feels like if I'm sitting on the Lord's palm but am His palm at the same time.

I'll leave with this Bible verse that's from my favorite book.
Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be men of courage; be strong.
1 Corinthians 16:13


Anonymous said...

Sitting on His palm and am His palm...that's a connection, I'd say. I wish I could quiet my mind long enough to meditate. Maybe I should get a book to teach myself...I generally have too much clutter in my head at any given moment.

KT said...

suzicate: me too! but i concentrate on my breathing and when i have random thoughts i ignore them as if they're children having a tantrum. It's been a little difficult, but I'm learning to quiet myself again, like i did in high school. no matter what anyone teaches you, though, u need to find a way that works for you. good luck! =D

kathryn said...

Wow. You are really feeling this, aren't you? Good for you, sweetie!
although....I must say....I'd no idea what you were talking about. Probably because I'm not familiar with meditation. I'll put it on my bucket-list though...

KT said...

Kathryn: Yeah, I'm getting back into it. it feels pretty nice. I'm sorry, i tried explaining as well as i could. I say, it's a must for the bucket list...