Tuesday, October 13, 2009


i can't let this go on any longer. I am extremely annoyed of people criticizing others on having different opinions and saying they need to read the news more and get more cultured. However, these are the same people saying things like,
"That being said I congratulate Mr. Obama for the Nobel Prize, though traditionally it has been awarded for an achievement, where in this case there is none. To me this is more a commentary on the very little that is being done to promote peace in the world today that the award needs to be given on premise rather than action."
Oh, BTW, I'm talking in refernce to President Obama winning the Nobel Peace Prize. I'm not against the President, and I will not mention which party I am affiliated to. Either way, that doesn't matter anymore because he is our President now, so party's should be something only for campaigning. that's a whole other blog post, anyways, Monda from No Telling posted a blog talking about manners. She goes on to mention that people need to mind their manners and whatnot. She is absolutely right! No matter your opinion you need to be respectful. He is our president and it belittles this country to call our own president "Buckwheat". However, I am complaining more about the 37 comments people, including myself, left Monda that day. I have to admit, I was rude, and I am sorry for that. But Did the rest of the people really have to attack me and like 3 others that had disagreed with Monda in the sense that they don't President Obama should've won? I don't think anyone needed to say mean things at all.
In reference to the above quote; there were 202 CANDIDATES! Are you telling me that the other 201 hadn't done anything to promote peace? That person spoke without wiki-ing, or googling, or yahooing. i don't follow politics, but the first I did when I found the President won I did a little research to see if he deserved it or not. I'm too far of a person to appreciate the President of my country won. I'm sorry, but it's how I roll.
Here are two people who have actually done stuff and might've deserved the other more: Hu Jia and Morgan Tsvangirai. You can wiki them and see what they're done.
Later on this week I'm going to post a blog on who they 202 candidates are and what they've actually done; including President Obama. 

I'm sorry in advance in case I've offended anyone. That's not my intention at all, I'm just annoyed that people tell others to read things other than blogs and then post stuff like the above quote.


kathryn said...

Sweetie: Do NOT let it get to you! The purpose of blogging is to entertain, teach and offer differed opinions and to welcome them as well. Anyone who uses this forum is there for the "sport" of arguing and should be ignored, or deleted if they cross the line. There's always gonna be ppl like that, no matter where you go. They get off on trying to get a rise out of people. (Pun intended.) Don't give in...and don't back down! Keep posting there...don't let them intimidate you!

(Oh, & I have to say this...between you and I: Don't use Wiki for serious info! We in the news biz know it can be terribly unreliable as anyone can contribute info. I know you check many other reputable sites as well...just cross off wiki, okay??)

It's hard not to let others bother us sometimes...I'm horribly thin-skinned myself...but I'm telling you: be a duck baby! Just let it roll off!
Your posts are wonderful!

KT said...

Thank you so much Kathryn. I shouldn't have let them get to me, but it's one thing when someone just shares an opinion, and it's another when they attack you directly. even with my parents as parents, I'm extremely sensitive, but I've learned to deal with my sensitivity (somewhat.)
I'm probably going to delete this blog post by tomorrow anyway, just because too many people read it and I don't want them to see me rant. But I'm still going to post the blog on the 202 candidates. Some of the things the others have done is just amazing.
On the account on wiki, I love wikipedia. I know how most feel about it, because I still am college and they dislike it when I use it as a reference, but I always make sure it's accurate. BTW did you know it holds more info and is more accurate than encyclopedia Britannica? Wanna know why? Because since a lot of people can correct information, it's more collective and accurate, while in Britannica they ask specific individual to write an entry without fact checking. I thought that was interesting.
BTW i don't know what I'd do without commenting on my posts. Thank so much for unofficially taking me under your wing.

kathryn said...

Hey, I'm happy to be there for you, sweetie. If you want to build your flwgrs, read some of the ppl on my sidebar...they're all good and if you comment, they'll comment back. Flwg is important too...
Feel free to email me if you're looking for other ways to network...I may be able to help. You can find me thru my site.
Keep blogging!

lacy said...

Speak truth mamma! Well done! And you never have to apologize for offending (you didn't by the way, I was absolutely cheering for you). Never ever.

I can't wait to see your sign! IT WILL GET BETTER!

Jen T said...

I'm sorry you got attacked for posting an opinion...such is life in Blogtown!

I do agree with you about Obama, though. I personally think he's pretty inspirational and will eventually get a lot accomplished, but I have no idea how he won that award when he has yet to do anything in his presidency. It makes no sense.

KT said...

lacy: Thanks. I finished the sign, but I don't know how to put it on my computer! I keep trying to get my husband to do it but I also keep forgetting to tell him.

lifelove'n'wine: I was being attacked a lot that day and couldn't take it. The last straw was reading the responses people had towards me and 2 others were agreeing with me. Funny thing is that I never said anything negative about Obama. But I guess people not only HEAR what they want to HEAR, but READ what they want to READ.
Thanks for stopping BTW