Wednesday, August 26, 2009

all you need in life is: a cool knapsack, a good book, & some sweet aviators

I can't give good pictures for a while because I cracked my camera. I know, I know! I'm sorry, I just can;t help it. I break ALL cameras, I don't know why, it just happens. Anyways, I was waiting in the Honors College at FIU and some guy left his stuff just like this. It just screamed, "TAKE A PICTURE OF ME!" If only the lighting was better, and I had my camera! =( Oh well, we must learn to make do, right? I didn't make up story for this picture, BUT i did write a poem.

Cleavage and a Side-Swept Bang

Back against the wall
puff of smoke whirling out
inviting the next victim
for a nighttime bout.

Fluff up hair
& red lips being smacked.
Pushing out your goods,
while the stomach is being tucked.

Gazing around the street
showing off more of that cleavage
sweeping your bang to the side
& reeling in your catch.

Looking around warily
making sure there's no uniforms.
Taking a breath
& acting out your performance.

Lying there naked
smelling sweat & perfume
trying to disconnect
from this nightly tune.

Dressing up in rags
reapplying that red lipstick
dousing yourself in perfume
preparing for you next ....


deek said...

Quite visual. I enjoyed your poem.

KT said...

Thank you Deek! I wasn't sure about it, since it's not something I'm used to writing about, but boredom tends to broaden you imagination.