Friday, August 14, 2009

buenos aires broken hearts club by j. morrison

Hello cyber-world! Just a little info on me, before I get into my experience with this book.
My name is not to be known, but you can call me K. I lived in Nicaragua for most of life and met my husband there. Fate, Destiny, God, what have you, wanted us to be together, because the 3 years that I lived in the US we had gone to the same elementary school and at some point knew each other. Even though we have no recollection of this. We are high school sweethearts who had shotgun wedding in the summer after our first year of college. Right now I am extremely happy to say I about to embark on my last year of school. =) I'm getting ready for the GRE, GK, and many other wonderful tests to get into the grad school of my dreams (dont know what that is yet).
Right now, however, I have just started my last responsibility-free 2 week summer. I have just finished one, and have read 3 books already. Today, I will talk about Buenos Aires Broken Hearts Club, because I just finished it.
I am a reader through and through. I read everything; anywhere. I dont judge between internet, newspaper, books, or even napkins. Ironically, Literature or anything related to it, is not my major. I have read many books from classics (King Lear) to romance novels (Sookie Stackhouse series) to teen lit (Twilight) to chick lit (Thief of Words). Without books I would probably die. I have traveled the world, experienced drunkeness, exotic dancing, lustful afairs, and many other things though my books. They have become one companion that I can constantly depend on. Books have never let me down. Now, I know what you're thinking, "What a LOSER, this K is". I can say I am problebly a big nerd, but not a loser. I lived a life once. A life of dancing, drinking, G rated one night stands, going to the beach at 2 am, before the age of 17. I've done a lot if my recent youth, but ever since I have become a proud mom, I don't have the ability to do those things and be sane for my daughter when she's up and about.
This brings me to Buenos Aires Broekn Hearts Club. It's a wonderful book of heartbreak and love all in one. It has a perfect amunt of exotic scenes, an sentence structure that leaves you gasping with the main character. The life she, Cassie Moore, experiences in Argentina is what I lived through in Nicaragua starting at the age of 13. Of course I did not have mindless sex at the age, but everything else was the same. I danced all night, I would go to cafe's and drink coffee with "medialunas". I would go out and have fritangas and then watch the glow of the sun rise on the beach at 5 am (probably all in one day, too).
This book left me gasping for breath eveytime I "see" Mateo". I would feel him coming up behind me, acting all shy, and saying my name. I imagined him touching my arm and dancing with me and then pressing his gorgeous lips to mine. I live through my books, and I will continue to do so until I die, probably. I am a retired adventurer, I guess. Now, I am living safely, and comfortingly at home taking adventures with the likes of Cassie Moore.

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