Sunday, August 16, 2009

off books for right now

I pride myself in reading a ton of books, and having a fairly decent vocabulary. I enjoy writing essays for class, and I tend to write regardless of class. I love being able to write something and think of a synonym on the spot, or a different way of saying the same thing. I truly enjoy using euphemisms and what-nots when writing. When I read I love to imagine where the book is set, and I always put myself in the main characters position. Sometimes I imagine I am his/her best friend and they're telling me their story personally. I don't only enjoy these two things, I also love to paint and draw, and listen to music. With anything artistic or interpersonal I can lose myself.
That's the thing, though, why do I always want to lose myself?I'm proud of the 20-something year old I am, and I'm happy with where my life is headed. But. Am I always trying to dive into artistic getaways because I can't stand being me? Is my life this incredibly boring, or do I just find it boring?
For example. Why did I start this blog in the first place? The reason: because a character in one of the books I read had started a blog and she was able to find herself in the process, through the help of people following it. I get on the computer various times a day and check if anyone has left comments or is following. Those various times a day I leave the computer disappointed. Am I sorrowfully pathetic?

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