Sunday, August 16, 2009

Seven Loves by V. Trueblood

For the past 3 days I've been trying to read this book called Seven Loves by Vanessa Trueblood. The writing is great! I've never read a book, well a non-classic, that has such good sentence structure and writing skills. The wording is amazing. She mixes poetic elements in a novel. Very well written, but it's lacking something. I've been trying to read it and it just doesn't hold my interest. I think, so far, this book fails to hold one steady plot. I believe the writer was trying to make the book based on the main character and travel through time, but the way its done is not so cohesive. With a better editor and agent, I think this book could've been something great.
I read a lot of books in which this is the case. Good books, with good ideas but in lacking of something. If I had to the time and patience, and skill I probably could come up with a great book. I guess, however, every reader feels this way.

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