Saturday, August 29, 2009

so i failed...

Alright, so I failed in my whole take-a-picture-a-day challenge. BUT it's so not my fault. My camera broke, because I think I sat on it. I am notoriously famous for breaking cameras. So, now mu hubby has to go fight at BestBuy to get it fixed, because I failed in that department too. I would've never made a good lawyer.
Anyways, I have been Californication recently and, of course, the show inspires me to write. Hmmm, wonder why? Well, only because David Duchovny plays a very hott (yes, with TWO t's) writer, who thinks he's the shizzle. The dialogue is amazing, and the music is just right. How can one watch that show and NOT get inspired?
I have some stuff, but I'm going to build it up a little, just to get people checking in on me. Then, all of you can say what I write sucks. =P


SG said...

You sat on a camera??
the picture in the post below is classic.. :)

KT said...

Phoenix: Yeah, I sat on my camera. It was in my butt pocket and I sat down wrong. I don't even know how the screen cracked; I put my camera in my butt pocket all the time. But, unfortunately it did break. =(.
Thanks. =)