Wednesday, December 23, 2009

different days; different stories

Well hello blog world. I have disappeared yet again for a few days because well....because i'm on vacation. and that's what you're supposed to do. btw i'm apologizing in adavnce in case of any misspellings or gramatical errors for at the moment i am using a spanish keyboard and they're a little hard to get used to. (actually my spelling might be better since i'll actually be proofreading what i'm typing). ANYWAYS, right now i am sitting my father-in-law's, or SUEGRO's, office. I have two fans on with a webcam staring straight at me begging to be used. I am smelling blueberries, chicken noodle soup, and a hint of gallopinto. the weather is pretty good...outside. but an inferno inside, hence the two fans. I just completed mission impossible to get ALL the pictures I've taken onto this specific computer so i can share with you. I will describe 3 different days. Are you ready? Well, then...let's start the show.

Day 1

Today I wake up to find that it's raining. the window opens up to the mountainous view, but i can't see it. it's 5 in the morning and i'm too happy to fall back asleep. I lay squished in between the hubby and S. S is sprawled out on her own bed and the hubby is doing the fetal position facing away from me. Me? I'm facing the window with my eyes closed enoying the sound of the plitter platter of the rain on the windown and sift ground outside. I take a deep breath in and let the memories flood my mental movie theatre.
I'm in my room at my parent's house. I'm 15 years-old and I've just finished writing in my diary. It was a tough day because I see myself crying. I lay my diary and pen on my nightstand and pick up the phone. I realize I can't call anyone because it's 10 o'clock at night. Lady is laying next to me fast asleep. I suddenly turn to face my window and's raining. I turn off the light, get comfortable, and lay back in my bed while petting Lady. The rain picks up and now there's thunder. I smile wider and let the rain take me off the dreamland.
Here are a few pictures of the rain at the hubby's parents house....enjoy!

Day 2

Once upon a time there lived a little 2-tailed princess by the name of S. Since she was part of the 2-tailed clan she is the most royal of royals across the land.

We see that Princess S has company today.

They were having a wonderful time playing hide-n-go seek...

seeing the beautiful landscape from the tallet windown of the castle...
(which is coincidentally the kitchen)

Oh wait! Princess S and her friend see something beyond the castle's grounds. What could it be?
Princess S reaches for the phone

and dials her guards to see what's going on.

She rushes outside, because her guards had no clue, and finds out it's a party for her that her loyal subjects put together.

They had a bounce house...

and there was cake...

They even had a royal swing set...

Princess S returned to her castle happy and grateful looking uon her wonderful land of loyal subjects.

Day 3
There's really not much to say about these following pictures. They were taken on the way to Granada, which is the city i spoke about in a previous post and the rest of the islands of Lak Nicaragua. A volcano erupted many,many years ago, and it formed little islands. We stayed at one for the day because a friend of the family's lent it to us. Yes, that family owns an island. Remember, realty is super cheap here. Anyways. Here are some pictures I took on this trip. ENJOY! and have a merry crhistmas!!!


Unknown said...

Beautiful pictures, love the rain. Have a merry christmas.

Feliz Navidad! I completely made an assumption that is how you say Merry Christmas in Nicaragua :)

Tea said...

You are in such a wonderful place!!!! Have a nice time with your family. Merry Christmas.

Moneyminder said...

Haw bout a littel on the momemtz u hav shared with ur fam? Btw, the keybords in da tropics makes wun espell atrocious.

Unknown said...

Feliz Navidad book*addict!

Prospero ano y felicidad... ;o)

I love your pictures! The ones out by/on the ocean made me feel very nostalgic and made me extremely excited to go on a trip soon, too!

I wish you a very Merry Christmas and of course, all the best in 2010!

KT said...

WVW: yes you are right. that's how you say merry christmas in nicaragua. the main language here is spanish. i hope you have a great xmas!

Isabella: i am in a great place, aren't i? it's so wonderful to be back. i'm having a blast with my fam. it's been so much.

moneyminder: the only time you comment and the only thing u have to say is soemthing negative. i mentioned my fam in the previous post. give me a chance. this is supposed to be MY blog.

Penny: actually the ones of the water is lake, it's huge isn't? for years, even when i lived here i used to insist it was the ocean, but it's just one giant lake. it was beautiful. you definitely would've loved it. i kept looking at the scenery and wishing i took as good picture as you. plan that trip already. u need some summer. ;) hope your xmas is great =)

kathryn said...

Oh, fabulous photos, sweetie! Princess S is adorable...and a party in her honor?! How royally appropriate! It looks like you're having a lovely, awesome, fantastic time...I'm sooo happy for you!

Thanks so much for uploading all these wonderful makes me feel like I'm there with you!

Hugs and kisses for a terrific vacation!